Discover e-volunteering. Change the WWWorld!


Fort Sokolnickiego, Warsaw, Poland

Monday, June 17th, 2013 2.00 PM – 7.00 PM


Digital revolution is here to stay. It is hard to imagine the world without the Internet and social media.

How to use new technologies to change the world?

If you want to know:

· How to overcome barriers of distance and time while sitting at home?

· How powerful can smartphones become?

· What skills can save the world?

Come to the ‘Discover e-volunteering. Change the WWWorld!’ Conference and get to know everything you have ever wanted to know about the power of skills and the internet-mediated volunteering!

Take part in our inspiring workshops and the discussion panel. Meet the organizers of different e-volunteering projects. Find out what e-volunteering looks in practice. Take part in the e-volunteering game and win a prize!

We invite people using Internet, NGOs, companies – everyone.

Register through the on-line form[M1]  or watch the Conference on-line on:

For more info follow:


2.00 – 2.30 PM


2.30 – 3.30 PM

E-wolontariat: wirtualna pomoc, realne korzy?ci.

Magda Biejat, Pawe? Klikowicz (, Lucyna Kici?ska (Fundacja Dzieci Niczyje)

Wolontariat nowoczesny
 i skuteczny. Jak zarz?dza? wolontariatem w XXI wieku?

Agnieszka Ci?la (Inwestycje Spo?eczne), Izabela Kr?giel (Fundacja Orange)

E-Volunteering: Crossing Borders & Opening Barriers – What does it take?

Eva Hambach, Gabriela Civico, CEV

3.30 – 3.45 PM

Coffee break

3.45 – 4.45 PM

Cyfrowa rewolucja spo?eczna

Fundacja Techsoup

Partnership (NGO & Companies): Barriers to collaboration and how to overcome them maximizing the impact of employee volunteering.

Sinead Lawler (Business in the Community)

4:45 – 5.00 PM

Coffee break







5.00 – 5.15 PM


5.15 – 6.00 PM


Moderator: Jerzy Karwelis,


·           Krzysztof Wi?ckiwicz (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy)

·           Wendy Hawkins (Intel Foundation)

·           Mary Lisa Durban (Orange Foundation)

·           Jadwiga Czartoryska (Fundacja Orange)

·           Eva Hambach (CEV –European Volunteer Center)

6.00 -6.45 PM


·           For the app created Turing the „Hackathon for e-volunteering”


·           In the 2nd edition of the ‘Discover e-volunteering’ Competition

6.45 – 7.00 PM

Kasia Dere? concert, part. 1

7.00 – 8.00 PM


8.00 – 8.30 PM

Awarding winners of the game for the participants of the conference
and Kasia Dere? koncert, part 2

8.30 – 9.00 PM
