CEV General Assembly

Brussels – Belgium  08 October 2015
Permanent Representation of Luxembourg | Avenue de Cortenbergh 75, 1000 Brussels

08.30-09.00: Registration

1. Roll Call and confirmation of current members, lapsed members and membership
fee payment update.
2. Adoption of the Agenda and Apologies
3. Approval and matters arising of the Minutes of the last meeting (October 2014)
4. Statutory Changes
5. Presentation and Approval of Activity Report and Accounts 2014
6. Discharge of Board and Auditors
7. Elections

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

8. Presentation, discussion and approval of the draft activity plan and budget for 2016

9. AOB

12.45-13.30 Lunch


Helping Hands”

Hope for Europe!

Five years after EYV 2011, volunteers continue to “Make a Difference” – but how has it made a difference for volunteering?

08 October 2015

13.30-14.00: Registration


14.00-14.30: Opening Session

CEV President & Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family and Integration Luxembourg

Jana Zitnanska, Member of the European Parliament


14.30-15.30: Creating an enabling environment

Moderator: Mirko Schwärzel, CEV Board Member

What funding is available for volunteer-involving organisations & volunteering infrastructure?

What action needs to be taken to remove barriers to volunteering and make it more accessible?

Marian Harkin, Member of the European Parliament

Pavel Trantina, European Economic and Social Committee / EAV

Robert Farrugia, Former EYV 2011 NCB Malta

Vanessa Leigh, Milieu

Ioan-Drago? Tudorache, DG Home, European Commission


15.45-16.45: Improving the quality of volunteering

Moderator: Justin Davis Smith, CEV Board Member

How is the recognition, training & development of volunteers promoted and supported.? What is the role and status

for quality principles for volunteering? How can quality Employee Volunteering be ensured?

Silvia Costa, Member of the European Parliament

Cristina Rigman, CEV Board Member

Juan Angel Poyatos, EVEN- Impact 2030

Antonio Silva Mendes, DG EAC, European Commission


16.45-17.00: Coffee break


17.00-18.00: Providing recognition to volunteering

Moderator: Alzbeta Frimmerova, CEV Board Member

What is the role of campaigns to promote and encourage volunteering? What links are there between

volunteering, education (formal and non-formal) & life-long-learning;? How do incentives & award schemes

encourage volunteering?

Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament

Marie Zvolska, European Economic and Social Committee

Vicente Ballesteros, CEV Board Member

Laura Lopez, European Youth Forum

Ana-Carla Pereira, DG EMPL, European Commission


18.00-19.00: Valuing volunteering

Moderator: Alberto Cuomo, CEV Board Member

What support is needed for research and measurement of volunteering?

What is the added value for social services delivery? How is volunteering linked to employability, health &

well-being and social inclusion?

Sofia Ribeiro, Member of the European Parliament

Krzysztof Pater, European Economic and Social Committee

Leon Prop, Red Cross EU Office

Gabriella Civico, CEV Director

Benoit Fontaine, King Baudouin Foundation

Marie-Anne Paraskevas, DG EMPL, European Commission


19.30 Reception

  1. Presentation from Lisbon European Volunteering Capital 2015 European Volunteering Capital 2016-1017 Candidates Announcement and Presentations Moderator: João Teixeira, CEV Board Member


09 October 2015

09.00-13.30: “Open Space”- EYV2011 Five Year Review: What next? 13.30: Closing Address