Representatives from CEV member organisations from across Europe will gather together with interested UK / London -based stakeholders in April 2017 in order to consider the volunteering strategies that are needed in Europe at local, regional and national administration levels and how to design and implement them with input from all sectors and stakeholders.

Workshop leaders will share their experience and practice together with participants with a view to building capacity and developing a best practice guide for use across Europe by governments, local authorities, volunteer centres, volunteer organisations and companies

6 April 2017
13.00 Registration and setting up of “DEVS Practice Wall Display”*

13.15- 13.30 Plenary: Opening Statements
13.30- 14.00 Key note: Adriana Ruiz Restrepo (RRA Think Thank)
Who are we? Who and what are the strategies for?
14.00- 14.15 European Volunteering Strategy Update (PAVE / Helping Hands Report /
European Solidarity Corps)

14.15- 14.30 Break

14:30 -15:30 Case Studies
National perspective: The Volunteer Centre in Denmark, Spanish Volunteering Platform, Volunteer Scotland
Municipalities’ approach: London #EVCapital 2016, Sligo #EVCapital 2017, Aarhus #EVCapital 2018

15:30 – 16:00 Break

16.00- 18.30- Round-robin: the presentations will be delivered in rounds of 45 minutes & speakers will take turns to engage with every group
1) Developing local volunteering: Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw
2) Cross Sector Collaboration – Employee Volunteering: Volunteer Scotland
3) Online volunteering: Good Network Foundation

7 April 2017
Parallel workshops – Volunteering Strategies in the field of:
09.30- 11.00 Sports: London Sport (UK)
Active Ageing: GLV / NCVO (UK)
Culture: Croatian Volunteer Centre Network

11.00-11.30 Break

11.30-13.00 Inclusion of refugees and migrants: BBE (Germany)
Youth: Pro Vobis (Romania)
In rural areas: Estonian Village Movement Kodukant

13.00- 13.15 Closing Remarks
15:00 – 16:30 EVEN Corporate Members Meeting

*Please inform the CEV secretariat if you would like to share information about your volunteering strategies on the DEVS Practice Wall.